During the first edition of our #SAVEHKFNB e-voucher WIPE OUT programme, we had generated a record breaking revenue of HK 1.5 million across 30 days, assisting participating vendors on much needed cash flow during this difficult time. Due to the recent success, we are pleased to introduce WIPE OUT 2.0 version and METABEV as our official partner. 100% revenue will go directly to the vendor and the campaign will launch to the public – August 28 until September 28, 2020
Pre- Set Voucher Values (Kindly note that all terms & conditions and discounts are fixed)
PURCHASE AN E-VOUCHER AND RECEIVE ADDITIONAL CREDITS HKD 500, receive HKD 600 (20% extra) HKD 1000, receive HKD1300 (30% extra) HKD 2000, receive HKD 3000 (50% extra)
Terms & Conditions
1. The E-voucher is valid for up to 3 months from the date of purchase.
To get ready for the onboarding and set up for the campaign, kindly prepare the following;
Step 2. Prepare and submit the following Points A & B here:
A. Photos For Your Restaurant e-Voucher Listing
i. Participating Restaurant Name & Logo - 1200 x 758 px
To facilitate the online payments and receive funds directly, you will need to create a payment gateway account. Eber supports Stripe or PayPal payment gateway for this campaign. You can create a Stripe account here. You will need to verify your Stripe account with additional Proof of Business documentation in order to verify legal entities. Kindly note that Stripe and PayPal will take a 3.3% commission per transaction. Prepare either Stripe/PayPal details: (a) STRIPE (b) PayPal - email address
C. How Do You Redeem The Purchased Voucher From The Guest?
To ensure a quick and seamless redemption for the guests, the restaurant must download the Eber Store App either on your ANDROID or IPAD.
Step 1 (a) Scan the QR code from the guest mobile device and complete the redemption (b) Enter guest mobile number on the redemption device and complete the redemption
Step 2 Apply Deduction on your Point of Sales Additional Notes*
Hardware Compatibility: iPads, Android Tablet, Android mobile phones. iPhone is not a compatible device.
You can download the Eber StoreApp for iPad or Android devices.
#SAVEHKFNB ALLIANCE The Save Hong Kong F&B alliance is made up of over 600 restaurants representing 10,000 employees fighting to make a passionate stance in protecting our businesses, employees, and family.
#SaveHKFNB #救救香港飲食業聯盟 早前推出的「2020 WIPEOUT 大時代大特賣」計劃,為處於困境的食肆和酒吧於 30日內透過發售電子禮券,錄得銷售金額達至 150萬港幣,成功為業界整體打下強心針。聯盟故此發起「2020 WIPEOUT 大時代大特賣」2.0 ,有望鼓勵大家再度聯手自救!是次計劃的推廣日期至2020年8月28日- 9月28日-,以METABEV 作為官方夥伴,盈利將全數歸於各參與單位。
「2020 WIPEOUT 大時代大特賣」2.0 電子禮券(請注意以禮券以固定金額及折扣發售,並受條款及細則約束)
消費 港幣$1,000 享用價值 港幣$1,300(額外 30%) 消費 港幣$2,000 享用價值 港幣$3,000(額外 50%)
條款及細則: 1. 本電子禮券有效期為購買當日起計三個月。 2. 本電子禮券只適用於 __________ 堂食 / 堂飲使用。 3. 本電子禮券只可用於一次交易。如交易額低於電子禮券面額,餘額將不獲退回。 4. 本電子禮券不可與其他優惠同時使用 5. 換時必須出示本電子禮券(QR碼或已登記電話號碼)。 6. 本電子禮券只適用於普通餐飲,不適用於宴會、會議、私人活動或其他服務。 7. 如交易額超過本電子禮券,需以現金或信用卡付清餘額。 8. 我們懇請客人預先訂座以免向隅。請致電或電郵 __________訂座。 9. 本電子禮券可即時兌換使用,請按此 SaveHKFnB.ebercity.com 於「MY E-VOUCHER」查閱你的電子禮券。 10. __________ 保留修改條款及細則之權利。如有爭議,__________ 將擁有最終決定權。
敬請跟從以下步驟進行登記; 步驟一:按此在 Eber CXM 開設戶口
丙:您的客人如何兌換購買的電子禮券? 為確保您能迅速兌換電子禮券,餐廳必須在ANDROID或IPAD等平板電腦上下載Eber Store App流動應用程式。 (a)從客人的手提電話上掃描QR碼 (b)並於平板電腦上輸入客人的手機號碼以完成兌換
額外資訊 兼容性:此流動應用程式只適用於iPad、Android平板電腦、Android手機;並不適用於iPhone。